I like to play close by my father's den,
Where he's at work, and every now and then
Ask: "Father, are you there?" He answers back:
"Yes, son." That time I broke my railroad track
All into bits, he stopped his work and came
And wiped my tears, and said, "Boy, boy! Be game!"
And then he showed me how to fix it right,
And I took both my arms and hugged him tight.

Once, when I' d asked him if he still was there,
He called me in and rumpled up my hair,
And said: "How much alike are you and I!
When I feel just as boys feel when they cry,
I call to Our Big Father, to make sure
That He is there, my childish dread to cure.
And always, just as I to you, ‘Yes, son';
Our Father calls, and aby Strickland Gillilan
ll my fret is done!"
by Strickland